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Piloting going good!

(Tourism & Hospitality Students in CIT) Piloting of the Green Game project game – The Green Hipster Hotel – is going well and the feedback so far has been very very useful. The game is currently available for both iOS and Android. We’d like to thank all of those involved in the piloting of the game […]


  As part of the project, we’ve gotten some cool merch made which includes the leaflet for the game/ project, a huge amount of beermats, and a set of really cool bags from Mammuko  (, which have been created entirely from recycled material (like sails, life rafts, leather, textile). To be in with a chance of winning […]

Animation for in-game Staff Training on Shampoo Dispensers

Animation for in-game Staff Training onShampoo Dispensers The below is an animation on Shampoo Dispensers in the bathroom to help inform the player on the importance of effective Shampoo Dispensers.     Within the game, this would be available under “Staff Training”. Players would be able to Train Staff by paying cash, after which they’re shown an animation […]