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Piloting HLW Weiz

Our piloting journey brought us to the HLW in Weiz/Austria, where we tested the game with two classes with about 25 pupils each. The enjoyed the game very much and where very concentrated during the 45 minutes of hotel management. Thanks to the pupils of the HLW Weiz and their useful input!

Piloting going good!

(Tourism & Hospitality Students in CIT) Piloting of the Green Game project game – The Green Hipster Hotel – is going well and the feedback so far has been very very useful. The game is currently available for both iOS and Android. We’d like to thank all of those involved in the piloting of the game […]

Edtech 2015 Conference – Green Games Presentation

The Project and the pilot version of the project game were very recently presented on at the Edtech 2015 conference in the University of Limerick! Game-based Learning, Skills + Affordances #edtech15 via Roisin Garvey CIT, interesting games with real life rewards! — Leone Gately (@leonegately) May 28, 2015   The presentation, called “Serious Games for the […]

1st run of piloting the game

Thanks to Prof. (FH) Mag. Mag. Dr. Harald A. Friedl and the students from the Institute for Health and Tourism Management of the FH JOANNEUM in Bad Gleichenberg we had our first piloting session. The game was well embraced, lots of fun to play and the collected inputs will be considered in the further development.