Archive by Author

Interactive Prototype

The first (of many, we hope!) Green Games Interactive Prototype is now available! This first prototype represents an initial, workable prototype version of the project game with the proposed basic layout, mechanics and structure in place. This result was developed based on the paper prototype – the news entry for which can be seen here. […]

Long Night of Research

The Green Games project leaflet was recently distributed as part of the Long Night of Research in Graz, Austria. The Long Night of Research involves a number different research institutions, universities, departments presenting / and showing on display their research results or current interesting research questions. Since a lot of the research was international, visitors were […]

Needs Analysis

Needs Analysis

This result is a needs analysis which was conducted to identify the requirements in the requirements in current hospitality and waste management industries regarding education on environmental issues such as food, water and energy waste management, as well as analyzing the difficulties which students and vocational teachers face with regard to the subject area.   […]

“Paper” Prototype

The project’s “paper” prototype is an initial video prototype developed in order to offer an initial outline of the some of the proposed layout, mechanics and structure of the proposed project game. This prototype is available for viewing below: The paper prototype was initially envisaged as a 2D paper-based set of paper or cardboard pieces. When we […]

Click to access the Report

State of the art

This result is a report which provides an overview of the current state of the art of environmental awareness and waste management practices in the EU and the pedagogy related to the teaching of these subject areas in the tourism and hospitality sector in particular.     The report can be accessed here

The reasons for the project

Within the European Union, there has been a focus on establishing regulations with regard to environmental awareness and prevention solutions in European countries over the past 30 years. One particular area of focus with regard to the regulation of environmental solutions and the “green movement” is the waste of food and water. A resolution passed […]